Release Notes






Jira Integration Version 9.2029 

Release date: 2018/05/29

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.2104 or later


Fixed Issues

# 7196

"Portfolio for JIRA" causes getIssue : class java.lang.ClassCastException : java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.sql.Timestamp

Severity B

 Jira Integration Version 9.2027 

Release date: 2018/04/19

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.2095 or later


Fixed Issues

# 7155

The JIRA integration never stops syncing the "Approvals" field from JIRA Service Desk.

Severity A

# 7165

The JIRA integration never stops syncing the "Development" field, introduced in JIRA 7.9

Severity A




Jira Integration Version 9.2024 

Release date: 2017/12/05

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.2081 or later


New Features

Improved logging of JIRA exceptions

Fixed Issues

# 7029

Unexpected get filters error java.lang.NullPointerException" in the JIRA log

Severity D




Jira Integration Version 9.2022 

Release date: 2017/09/26

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.2064 or later


Fixed Issues

# 6941

JIRA integration throws "The unique identifier specified to the function is not valid" when processing an item that was just deleted by another thread

Severity B

# 6928

Long sub project path causes the JIRA integration sync to fail on mysql where customfieldvalue.stringvalue is defined as varchar(255)

Severity B



Jira Integration Version 9.2019 

Release date: 2017/08/15

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.2024 or later


Fixed Issues

# 6725

Improved error message for Jira integration message: EValidateError_InvalidCustomColumns

Severity B



Jira Integration Version 9.2010 

Release date: 2017/03/07

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.2024 or later


New Features

Added support for Jira 7.3.3


Fixed Issues

# 6725

Hansoft JIRA integration constantly resets the column configuration for columns synced from JIRA

Severity A



Jira Integration Version 9.2007 

Release date: 2017/02/27

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.2012 or later


New feature: Improved support for SSL certificates on JIRA server



The Hansoft-JIRA integration will confirm your JIRA server’s certificate if you are running JIRA on SSL/https.


There are two scenarios:

·       You may run JIRA with a self-signed certificate, or

·       You may run JIRA with a certificate signed by a certificate authority (CA)


Self-signed certificate

To use the Hansoft JIRA integration with a JIRA server configured with a self-signed certificate for SSL, you need to:

1.     Export the key pair from your server’s keystore to a PEM file named cacert.pem. You can do this using the Portecle application or using Java Keystore. In Portecle, right-click the key pair and select “Export”.

2.     Save that file in the JIRA integration installation directory. Default: c:\Program Files (x86)\Hansoft\Jira Integration\cacert.pem

3.     Re-start the integration service.



Certificate authority

For this scenario you need to export the certificate authority key pair to a PEM file. One way to do this:


1.     In Windows, invoke certmgr.exe (c:\windows\system32\certmgr.exe)

2.     Locate the certificate authority that signed your JIRA server. (Log in to JIRA in a web browser and check the padlock symbol in the address bar if you are not sure)

3.     Export this certificate as a Base-64 X.509 file. Name this file cacert.pem

4.     Save that file in the JIRA integration installation directory. Default: c:\Program Files (x86)\Hansoft\Jira integration\cacert.pem

5.     Re-start the integration service.




Jira Integration Version 9.2003 

Release date: 2017/01/31

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.2012 or later


New feature


Support for function columns




Jira Integration Version 9.1008 

Release date: 2016/12/06

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.1088 or later


Fixed Issues

# 6246

Hansoft JIRA integration service crashes when a JIRA workflow has null states

Severity A





Jira Integration Version 9.1007 

Release date: 2016/11/08

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.1084 or later


Fixed Issues

# 6174

Hansoft JIRA add-on does not unregister JIRA event publisher causing memory leak

Severity B





Jira Integration Version 9.1006 

Release date: 2016/09/13

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.1056 or later


New Features

Automatic synchronization of Jira workflows in Hansoft

Better support for synchronizing Epics

·         Setting the Epic flag in Hansoft changes item type in Jira to Epic

·         Changing the item type in Jira to Epic will set the Epic flag in Hansoft

·         Changing the item type in Jira from Epic to another type will remove the Epic flag in Hansoft






Jira Integration Version 9.1005 

Release date: 2016/08/30

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.1055 or later


Fixed Issues

# 6174

Crash while synchronizing columns in Jira

Severity A

# 6100

Error in the Jira integration when trying to sync an archived project

Severity B

# 6154

Errors in client log from JIRA integration plugin when you have archived projects

Severity C





Jira Integration Version 9.1004 

Release date: 2016/06/14

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.1038 or later


New Features

Show task name instead of URL as display name of Jira links in Hansoft


Fixed Issues

# 6096

Exception in Jira when syncing items using a Jira filter that is only filtering on Project

Severity B

# 33459

"Unrecognized fieldID: reporter" in the Jira log when syncing items from Hansoft to Jira

Severity B





Jira Integration Version 9.1002 

Release date: 2016/03/24

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.1020 or later


New Features

Added support for Jira 7.0 and Jira 7.1





Jira Integration Version 9.0003 

Release date: 2015/11/03

Requires Hansoft Server version 9.0 or later


Fixed Issues

# 5766

Compare operator for HPMUntranslatedString does not handle uninitialized object

Severity B





Jira Integration Version 8.4007 

Release date: 2015/08/18

Requires Hansoft Server version 8.4 or later


New Features

Added plugins for JIRA 6.3





Jira Integration Version 8.4005 

Release date: 2015/08/04

Requires Hansoft Server version 8.4 or later


Fixed Issues

# 5607

JIRA integration plugin does not work for archiving and unarchiving milestones in JIRA 6.3 and 6.4

Severity A

# 5621

The Jira integration is not compatible with version 6.7.7 of Jira Agile

Severity A





Jira Integration Version 8.4002 

Release date: 2015/06/24

Requires Hansoft Server version 8.4 or later


Release notes

Updated End User License Agreement






JIRA Integration Version 8.3001 

Release date: 2015/02/24

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 8.3 or later


New Features

SDK user option to not sync all projects

·         This is set as an option in the “Edit user” dialog in the admin section.

·         Default for new SDK users is to only sync the projects that the user is member of.

·         Already existing SDK users will keep syncing all projects unless the setting is changed manually.

·         SDK users are added to projects in the same way as regular users. They can however not be used for assignments in the project.

·         Older versions of the Jira integration still need to sync all projects to work.





JIRA Integration Version 8.2001 

Release date: 2014/11/24

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 8.2 or later


New Features

Support for TLS 1.2 and the increased security of Hansoft server 8.2





JIRA Integration Version 8.0002 

Release date: 2014/07/07

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 8.0 or later


New Features

Increased performance through new memory manager





JIRA Integration Version 7.5012 

Release date: 2014/06/18

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.5 or later


Security Updates

Upgrade to OpenSSL v1.0.1h





JIRA Integration Version 7.5007 

Release date: 2014/04/23

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.5 or later


Security Updates

Restore missing digital signatures on Hansoft executables





JIRA Integration Version 7.5006 

Release date: 2014/04/15

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.5 or later


Security Updates

Upgrade to OpenSSL v1.0.1g





JIRA Integration Version 7.5005 

Release date: 2014/02/17

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.5 or later


Fixed Issues

# 4142

Jira Integration crashes when synching a custom Cascading Select column

Severity B





JIRA Integration Version 7.5002 

Release date: 2013/12/02

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.5 or later


Fixed Issues

# 4690

Exception in JIRA integration when changing item sub project

Severity B





JIRA Integration Version 7.5001 

Release date: 2013/11/28

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.5 or later


New Features

Support for SDK version 7.502 used in Hansoft 7.5


Fixed Issues

# 4673

Exception in JIRA integration when getting associated issue types for field

Severity A





JIRA Integration Version 7.1024 

Release date: 2013/11/25

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.1100 or later


Fixed Issues

# 4666

JIRA 5.2 plugin is missing from 7.1 JIRA Integration

Severity A





JIRA Integration Version 7.1023 

Release date: 2013/10/10

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.1100 or later


Fixed Issues

# 4523

When running JIRA 6.0, Hansoft displays the LDAP usernames instead of internal usernames

Severity C





JIRA Integration Version 7.1021 

Release date: 2013/08/28

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.1100 or later


New Features

Client plugin for all platforms


Fixed Issues

# 4419

Custom field from third party plugin fails to sync

Severity B





JIRA Integration Version 7.1019 

Release date: 2013/06/25

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.1056 or later


Fixed Issues

# 4425

Jira plugin compatibility fix for OS X

Severity B





JIRA Integration Version 7.1018 

Release date: 2013/06/12

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.1056 or later


New Features

Added support for JIRA 6.0


Fixed Issues

# 4358

Spaces in username or password cause internal server error when connecting to JIRA

Severity B





JIRA Integration Version 7.0016 

Release date: 2013/03/19

Compatible with Hansoft Server version 7.0811 or later


New Features

Added integration status dialog under context menu for item synchronization tracking


Fixed Issues

# 20323

Integration crashes when sending error notification to invalid user ID

Severity B

# 20189

Integration crashes when trying to remove invalid attachment folder

Severity B

# 20138

Integration crashes on invalid drop down column data

Severity B